Every Portable Building, Granny Flat, Transportable Home, Commercial Site Shed and Site Office in our range is manufactured using only BlueScope TRUECORE® Steel Frames, as a standard inclusion.
Advantages Of Using TRUECORE® Steel Frames
TRUECORE® Steel Frames won’t shrink, twist or warp over time, so there’s less chance of sticking windows, jammed doors and wavy roof lines.
Termites and borers are a problem in Australia. So, it’s good news that frames made with the inner strength of TRUECORE® Steel are 100% termite and borer proof.
With their distinctive blue finish, frames made from TRUECORE® Steel incorporate BlueScope’s Activate® technology which provides enhanced corrosion resistance.
A building frames made from TRUECORE® Steel won’t catch fire and may help you achieve the standards required for building in even the most severely rated flame zones.
TRUECORE® Steel framing is a precision engineered product, manufactured to accurate dimensions to ensure all walls and ceilings are straight and true.
TRUECORE® Steel Frames are made by BlueScope to strict tolerances and are fully compliant with all relevant Australian Standards (AS1397:2011 and AS/NZS 1365:1996).